
A new version of the Master Points & Licensing Handbook (replacing HOTMPS)
is available here.


Clubs using Scorebridge are required to have at all times the latest release level installed.
See below.
Release 10.24.01 11th March 2024
Update to generated SBU XML files
Minor fixes and improvements


BBO files have moved from Dropbox into Mempad.
if you are a TD and need access to the BBO files via mempad then
email membership@sbu.org.uk or masterpoints@sbu.org.uk to request.


Details of the masterpoint allocations for all national tournaments are now available in the
Results tab of the main SBU website here.


User Guides for the current version of Mempad are available by clicking on the "Help" Menu.

Club/District officials and members should note the various email addresses used by those volunteers who handle
various matters related to Membership and Master Points.

SBU email services and contact points are now all based on our domain of sbu.org.uk

masterpoints@sbu.org.uk is primarily intended for the receipt of XML files containing the results of tournaments.
It should not be used for general communications unless specifically advised.
If you reply to an email coming from 'MEMPAD', your reply will go to a no-reply account which is not be monitored.

To get a faster response send your query to the most relevant address from those described below.

If you have a query, and do not know where to send it to, best send it to membership@sbu.org.uk, as below, where it will be re-routed as applicable.

masterpointqueries@sbu.org.uk is for all queries regarding masterpoints policy and licensing of events.

membership@sbu.org.uk is the general mailbox for membership matters.

congresspoints@sbu.org.uk is intended for non-standard masterpoint matters, such as congresses, SIMS, district, and national competitions.

treasurer@sbu.org.uk is the address to be used by Club and District Treasurers when confirming payments made to the SBU bank account, which is very helpful and much appreciated.



The SBU commenced operations as an SCIO* on March 1, 2022.

* SCIO = Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation

We are now operating as a Scottish Charity, with the number SC051361.

The bank account name is "Scottish Bridge Union" which should be quoted in full on cheques.

sort code: 80 22 60

account: 22494862

When making a payment, please ensure you are using the bank account quoted above. 

Payments from Club/District Treasurers should be confirmed by email to the "Treasurer" and "Membership", both at sbu.org.uk.


We appreciate feedback (+ve or -ve), every complaint is a gift!

Please send a message to membership@sbu.co.uk ...

To visit the main SBU Information website, for the latest information on what is happening, please click here.


The SBU holds personal contact data belonging to its members inside MEMPAD on this security-enhanced website.  It does this on the legal basis (as defined by the UK GDPR) that it is necessary to hold this data for the purposes of its legitimate interests as a membership organisation. New members are nonetheless asked to give approval for their data to be held by the SBU. 

A full explanation of the SBU Data Privacy Policy is available on the SBU information website at .....


Questions and further explanations can be obtained by sending an email to membership@sbu.org.uk.

Are you looking for your rank or the details of the ranking structure?

Then go to Mempad, and log in with your ID and password.
You can see your current rank in the "My Points" section.
A detailed table showing the rank structure and minimum points threshold for each rank is available under the "HELP" menu in Mempad.

In ranked competitions, an eligible player may play with a partner who has a lower rank.
